Academic Affairs 工作人员 Telecommute Program

Academic Affairs supports telecommuting when the campus determines that telecommuting is operationally feasible and is in the best interest of the University. Such instances for telecommuting work arrangements may be considered when there are opportunities for improved operational performance, or as part of a disaster recovery or emergency plan. 

Telecommuting is only feasible for those job duties that can be performed away from campus and do not disrupt in-person operational needs. In that regard, telecommuting agreements can be implemented only in instances in which a college's appropriate administrator has determined that the nature of the job duties of a particular position can be performed successfully outside the traditional office setting without undue impact on the University’s operations and educational mission.

  • Telecommuting is voluntary and approved upon mutual agreement between the employee and the appropriate administrator when the AVP/Dean determines that telecommuting is operationally feasible and in the best interest of the University.
  • A signed agreement is required for each employee who will be telecommuting.
  • The decision of the appropriate administrator to deny an employee's request to participate in telecommuting is not subject to appeal.
  • Each Vice President and their Associate Vice Presidents/Deans are responsible for evaluating operational needs to determine which MPP/Confidential, CSUEU, and APC positions are suitable for telecommuting.
  • For this reason, an all-工作人员 announcement will not be sent out regarding the telecommuting program, as MPPs need to communicate directly with the impacted 工作人员 to convey telecommuting decisions and the strategic direction of their departments. 

Please note:

  • Telecommuting agreements will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
  • 工作人员 members whose requests are approved will have varied start dates for their telecommuting schedule, depending on when all required steps and approvals are completed.
  • The employee and supervisor establish telecommuting start and end dates.  The employee and/or supervisor may end participation in the program as outlined in the CSU Telecommuting Program and corresponding union MOU.
  • The 工作人员 Telecommuting Program applies to CSUEU (Units 2, 5, 7, 9),  APC (Unit 4), and MPP/Confidential employees.
  • Please contact 工作人员 Human Resources or 教师 Affairs with questions about the status of other employee groups.


Completing the Telecommuting Agreement is a multi-step process that involves the applicant, Dean/designee, Review Committee, Vice Provost, and Human Resources Management.

Prior to downloading the template and initiating this process, please first read the 指令 for Completing the Telecommuting Agreement about how to complete the agreement.  

Policy Information

The University has elected to opt-in to the systemwide CSUEU and APC Telecommuting Agreements. These agreements were negotiated by the Chancellor's Office in partnership with campus leaders, 工作人员, and unions across the CSU system.  Telecommuting for MPP and Confidential employees will be managed under the guidelines set forth in the CSUEU Telecommuting Agreement.

CSU - CSUEU Telecommuting Program MOU

CSU - APC Telecommuting Program MOU

Management Training

The Division of Administration & Finance will offer telecommuting training sessions for MPPs supervising 工作人员 with telecommuting agreements in place. This covers best practices for promoting a positive and productive telecommuting experience for the 工作人员 member and the MPP supervisor.