
P. 维克多·彼得森 1947-49: P. 维克多·彼得森
作为LACC主席, P. 维克多·彼得森 became the acting president of the state college. Peterson was on leave from San Jose State College, where he was dean of professional education, professor of chemistry and head of the natural science department. 他得了B.A. at Iowa State Teachers College in 1917, and his M.A. in 1921. 他获得了博士学位。.D. 1930年从斯坦福大学毕业.
洛杉矶州立大学秋季学期开始时只有225名学生,但到春季入学人数已跃升至1092人. 学生 came from every state in the union as well as Mexico, Iran and Canada. The first class of seven students graduated in 1948.

霍华德年代. 麦当劳 1949-62: 霍华德年代. 麦当劳
In 1949, the college welcomed its second president, 霍华德年代. 麦当劳还有几次更名中的第一次:洛杉矶州立应用艺术学院 & 科学(LASCAAS).
麦当劳 was born in Salt Lake City. In 1921, he received a B.S. from Utah State Agricultural College and earned his M.A. from University of California at Berkeley in 1925. An educator and administrator, 麦克唐纳被选为LASCAAS的负责人时,他是杨百翰大学的校长.
麦克唐纳的任期是一个巨大的转变时期,因为他既指导了教育项目的发展,也指导了学院的物理扩展. Officials broke ground on the current location, dubbed the Ramona site at the time, in 1955 and the first 10 buildings opened to students three years later.
麦当劳 retired in 1962 after 13 years at the helm of the university.

阿尔伯特·D. 格雷夫斯 1962-63: 阿尔伯特·D. 格雷夫斯
阿尔伯特·D. 格雷夫斯
1962年担任LASCAAS代理院长时,他是学术事务副院长. 格雷夫斯拥有斯坦福大学的学士、硕士和博士学位. Before coming to Los Angeles State College, 他曾担任圣贝纳迪诺学校的负责人和洪堡州立学院的教育学教授.
在格雷夫斯担任管理员的那一年里,新任命了88名教员, 学院还签订了第一份合同,帮助学生为美国留学做好准备.S. 和平队. 第一批65名志愿人员接受培训,以便在多米尼加共和国从事教师培训方面的服务工作, music teacher training and urban community action.

富兰克林·阿瑟·约翰逊 1963-66: 富兰克林·阿瑟·约翰逊
took over as the fourth president of Los Angeles State College in October 1963. Johnson came to the college from Jacksonville (Fla.) University, where he served as president for seven years. 他得了B.S. degree magna cum laude from Rutgers University in 1947. 在做他的M.A. 和Ph值.D. from Harvard University, 他被选为学院学者,并被授予富布赖特奖学金,在伦敦经济学院学习.
During Johnson’s term, the football team was ranked No. 1964年,该校成为加州州立大学系统的一部分,并再次更名为足彩外围网站(CSCLA).
Johnson left the college after President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed him to serve as director of the Job Corps.

约翰·E. Greenlee
1966-79: 约翰·E. Greenlee
The California State College chancellor announced 约翰·E. Greenlee as the fifth president in May 1966. Greenlee came to CSCLA as vice president for Academic Affairs in 1965. Prior to his appointment, 他在爱荷华州从事了30年的大学教学和管理工作,其中20年是在爱荷华州立大学.
他的B.A., M.A., Ph值.D. 都是在爱荷华大学获得的,他在那里主修历史,辅修教育学. At the post-doctoral level, 他在加州大学伯克利分校学习英国历史和高等教育.
The late 1960s and 1970s was another period of great change for the college. 1967年,校园改为季度制,并于1968年在全国建立了第一个墨西哥裔研究部门. 大学学生会、辛普森大厦和萨拉查大厅都是在这段时间建成的. 1972年, 加州州立学院系统成为加州州立大学和学院(CSUC)。. 这个校园获得了大学的地位,并被正式称为加州州立大学, Los Angeles—or Cal State L.A. informally-ever自.
Greenlee retired in 1979. 位于物理科学大楼南侧的格林利广场(Greenlee Plaza)就是为了纪念他而建的.

詹姆斯米. 伐木工人 1979-2013: 詹姆斯米. 伐木工人
詹姆斯米. 伐木工人
was selected as the sixth president in 1979. The scientist’s academic degrees, in health administration and microbiology, were conferred upon him by Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (Ph.D. 1969, M.A. 1963, B.A. 1962).
Prior to accepting the presidency, 伐木工人曾担任新泽西州高等教育部副校长. He had previously been an associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, and faculty member in pharmacology and toxicology, at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.
By the time 伐木工人 was appointed in 1979, the campus had conferred degrees upon more than 85,000 students in 34 years and had an annual enrollment of nearly 29,000 and a faculty and staff of 2,700 full- and part-time employees. The campus mascot changed from Diablo to Golden Eagle in 1981, and Cal State L.A. 1984年洛杉矶夏季奥运会柔道项目的主办地,受到了全世界的关注.
The university landscape transformed under 伐木工人’s leadership. Among the projects developed by 伐木工人 are: student housing, the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School, 埃德蒙·G. “Pat” Brown Institute of Public Affairs, the Anna Bing Arnold Children’s Center, 地铁站, Harriet and Charles Luckman Fine Arts Complex, the Hertzberg-Davis Forensic Science Center, a new University-Student Union, the Golden Eagle building, the Wallis Annenberg Integrated Sciences Complex with La Kretz Hall, the Public Safety/University Police facility, 和电视, 电影, 及媒体中心.

威廉一个. Covino 2013-2023: 威廉一个. Covino
威廉一个. Covino
was selected as the university's seventh president in 2013. 科维诺只得到了B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles. 他持有M。.A. 在加州州立大学北岭分校和南加州大学获得学位,并获得博士学位.D. in English from USC in 1981.
科维诺作为一名教育家和修辞学学者,在长期从事高等教育之后,加入了足彩外围网站. He served as provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at Fresno State. 他也是斯坦尼斯劳斯州立大学的教务长,并在圣地亚哥州立大学担任助理教授,开始了他的高等教育生涯.
在科维诺任期内, 这所大学在全国的知名度和排名都有所上升, saw improvement in student success metrics, 并赢得了科罗拉多州立大学最多元化教师的荣誉. Over the past decade, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 has also climbed steadily and sharply in U.S. 新闻与世界报道 排名. 足彩外围网站在过去八年中在西部所有私立和公立地区大学中跃升了73位.
在他的领导下, the university also launched the Center for Engagement, 服务, and the 公共利益; established the MindMatters initiative (now called WellBeingU); added the College of Ethnic Studies; created the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Downtown campus; and developed the CalStateLA BioSpace incubator.
Covino retired in 2023 after a decade at the helm of the university.

勒罗伊Morishita 2023-2024: 勒罗伊米. Morishita
勒罗伊米. Morishita
 被加州州立大学董事会任命为足彩外围网站的临时校长. Morishita began his tenure on July 31, 2023, and served until January 7, 2024.
森下来到足彩外围网站有超过40年的经验,在加州州立大学系统的教育和管理. From 2011 to 2020, Morishita served as president of CSU East Bay. 在他的领导下, achievement at CSUEB reached new heights, with graduation and retention rates steadily increasing, while equity gaps narrowed. Morishita曾担任旧金山州立大学(San Francisco State University)行政和财务执行副总裁兼首席财务官.
森下获加州大学心理学学士学位, Berkeley; a master’s degree in counseling at San Francisco State University; and a Doctor of Education in Administration, Planning and Social Policy from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

贝雷尼西亚·约翰逊·埃恩斯 2024年至今: 贝雷尼西亚·约翰逊·埃恩斯
 被加州州立大学董事会任命为足彩外围网站的校长. Her tenure began January 8, 2024. 埃恩斯是足彩外围网站的第九任校长,也是第一位担任该职位的女性.
Eanes previously served as president of York College, City University of New York, where she provided strategic leadership and council to approximately 1,100年教师, staff and administrators, while overseeing a $91 million budget, 包括捐赠基金, fundraising and centrally administered resources. Eanes自2019年以来还担任社会工作系的教授.
她被任命为足彩外围网站的校长,标志着她重返加州州立大学, 他之前是加州州立大学负责学生事务的副校长, Fullerton (2012 to 2019), 她在哪里为无数的学生成功项目提供领导和监督, as well as new campus infrastructure and the university’s strategic plan.
Eanes earned a bachelor’s degree in public health from Dillard University; a master’s degree in social work from Boston University; and her doctorate in social work from Clark Atlanta University.